Pete’s Natural Sodas Heart Kids fundraising initiative had hit the magic $10,000 mark and the Motueka solar-powered soda company says there’s still more to come.

“We’re not done yet,” Marleen Suy, aka “Mrs Pete” says. “The original target of 12,000 is in sight and we want people to keep supporting this amazing cause.”
In September Pete’s Natural Sodas launched a special run of distinctive Pink Lemonade in collaboration with Heart Kids NZ, the only national organisation in Aotearoa NZ that provides free, lifelong care and support for children, teens, adults and whānau impacted by childhood heart conditions.
“Providing healthier drink options is one of the key goals of Pete’s Natural Sodas and the boysenberry-flavoured lemonade is a great example of this,” Marleen says.
The special Pink Lemonade is still available online and at selected suppliers who are supporting the initiative.
“While we’re closing in our initial fundraising target, we’re conscious that there will always be a need for ongoing support for Heart Kids NZ.”
Heart Kids NZ Fundraising Coordinator Alanah Gilder says the promotion has been a great success.
“Besides providing an opportunity to raise funds, Pete’s initiative has provided a great opportunity to raise awareness of our activities across the 16 regions where we operate,” she says.
Marleen says Pete’s Natural Sodas is a family-owned company, so projects such as this resonate strongly with everyone involved.
“It’s been fantastic to have been able to provide support and encouragement to those who are going through a difficult time with illness in the family,” she says. “Heart Kids NZ works in communities across the country and we love that the work is being carried out at a local level where the help is needed.”