What’s going on in Aotearoa? From wine and beer festivals to the boffins at AUT: here are some of the most exciting events from around the motu…

by | Jul 26, 2024 | News, Opinion

The pale winter sun is beginning to thaw the layer of icy mud and silt that has collected over the hatch leading to The Feed’s underground bunker, so there’s no longer any way of avoiding it: we’re going to have to go Outside. We know, we know, Outside doesn’t like this anymore than we do, but we’re running low on tins of baked beans and bottles of sweet sherry and so Outside we must go.

Since we’ve already put our big coat on, we reason, we may as well try and enjoy ourselves. And what do you know? It would seem that all of Aotearoa has got the same idea. Everyone is going outside to try to enjoy themselves. Or learn something. Or get a wee bit drunk. Events! It’s time to attend some Events!

AUT Winter Series

As we mentioned last week, if you happen to be in Tamaki Makaurau during August and you’re even slightly interested in food, then there’s probably something for you at the AUT Winter Series. There’ll be a magical, mystical, and poetic exploration of mead.There will be a session about urban agriculture. There will be a pastry chef Battle Royale. A panel discussion on food writing. A Slow Food marketplace. And a lot more. Really, quite a lot. Get on the website and get your tickets. It looks cracking.

Umberground: an ode to orange wine

Could there be anything more Wellington than an orange wine festival? Maybe only if it was held at the top of Mount Vic in gale force winds. Or if the wine was served via the bucket fountain. But all snark aside this will be great. Some of The Feed’s favourite kiwi winemakers will be in attendance including Amoise, 1000 Gods, Halcyon Days, Mt Edward, Pyramid Valley, and much more. There will also be a couple of international wines in the shape of the remarkable Pheasant’s Tears from Georgia (where this whole orange wine malarky began), and Testalonga of South Africa. It’s on Sunday the 28th of July. You should go.

Brew of Islands

Sick of winter? Get yourself up to the Winterless North and bask in the incredible lineup of New Zealand beers, kai, live music, DJs, and loads more. The list of brewers reads like a who’s who of New Zealand Brewing featurning Garage Project, Panhead, Parrotdog, Urbanaut and, McCleods.Then maybe head to the beach, enjoy a piña colada, eat a home-grown banana, and take your shirt off outdoors.

Auckland Restaurant Month

Reluctantly shuffle south towards the sub-artic tundra that is Tamaki Makaurau for Auckland Restaurant Month. They are not kidding around: this thing happens in Auckland, it’s mostly about restaurants, and it goes for the entire month of August. There’s a Chef’s Table Series,  a Mexican masterclass, a sushi experience, a French fondue night, a walking food tour and plenty more. Expect to feel slightly overwhelmed and self-conscious about your outfit.

Eat it

If that all feels a bit vanilla then you can still catch the tail end of the Karangahape Road month-long celebration of food and sex. There seems to be a lot of leather stuff on the website which kind of makes us feel vaguely itchy but not particularly hungry but hey, we live in the provinces so what do we know? There are delicious sounding menus still happening at Bar Magda, Rose’s Dining Room, and Satya.

Tauranga Food Show

Ah Tauranga. It’s like Hamilton with beaches and heaps of New Zealand First voters.It also has a food show happening at the end of August. Expect loads of food and drink vendors hawking their wares, and beverage masterclasses with friends of The Feed Cult Wine and Kiwi Spirit Distillery.


About the Author

David Wrigley

David is a writer and musician from Kemureti/ Cambridge. He has been published in Noble Rot, Nourish Magazine, Turbine|Kapohau, New Zealand Poetry Yearbook, and is currently working on his first novel. He has done his time in restaurants in Aotearoa and the UK. Oh, yes. He has done his time.

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