by Editor | Jul 26, 2023 | Opinion
Alan Renwick, Lincoln University, New Zealand Supermarket customers around New Zealand are noticing gaps in the grocery aisles that have nothing to do with the global pandemic or Ukraine war. It’s clear domestic food supply chains have been increasingly challenged by...
by Vincent Heeringa | Apr 26, 2023 | Opinion
This week’s draft advice from the Climate Change Commission has achieved a rare win: it’s given farmers, foresters and environmentalists all reason to cheer. The document, out for consultation, is the second formal advisory from the Commission and is designed to help...
by Editor | Feb 28, 2023 | Opinion
Cyclone Gabrielle hit New Zealand’s main fruit-growing region hard – now orchardists face critical climate choices. To recover or to reinvent, asks Anita Wreford, of Lincoln University Hawke’s Bay, one of New Zealand’s most productive regions and the hub of the...
by Editor | Feb 27, 2023 | Opinion
The slash devastation in Tairāwhiti reflects poor decisions to clear native forest off steep, erodible hill country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which was also encouraged by the government of the day. It’s time to change that approach, writes David...
by Editor | Feb 16, 2023 | Opinion
Climate scientist Kevin Trenberth warns that obsessing on cow burbs risks missing the real source of global heating: fossil fuels. New Zealand, where agriculture is one of the largest contributors to climate change, is proposing a levy on cow burps. The reason...