Sourdough: the real bread and butter politics

Sourdough: the real bread and butter politics

On a Wednesday night, as everyone else is shutting up shop and heading home, a small group of us pile into central Auckland bakery Bread & Butter. The operation effectively runs 24 hours a day with staff shifts  covering both commercial baking contracts and the...
Epic future secured by family business partnership

Epic future secured by family business partnership

Craft beer lovers, history fans and aficionados have been wringing their hands since Epic Beer went into liquidation at the end of July. The company, founded in 2005, has been the stalwart of craft beer innovation and the pursuit of hoppy dreams in New Zealand and the...
A for Awards: A new gold standard.

A for Awards: A new gold standard.

What’s really behind a medal anyway? I should know. I judge them, after all. Mostly for spirits and the occasional liqueur. I think it’s important that a medal should mean something. Something hard to achieve or that recognizes valour and effort. Sometimes I walk into...
Matariki: An Aotearoa New Zealand food story emerges

Matariki: An Aotearoa New Zealand food story emerges

Lesley Chandra, head chef and owner at Sidart. It’s remarkable what just two years and a public holiday can do for catapulting an under-valued part of our cultural and food story into mainstream acceptance. We should be jumping and whooping from the rafters to see the...
Not so cut and dry July

Not so cut and dry July

I don’t believe food virtue gets us anywhere when it comes to healthy dialogue or constructive conversation about the way we consume – whether it’s plant proteins, seafood, MSG or alcohol. It’s Dry July and the presses are pumping with stories about celebrities...